
Juicio de Amparo

¡Bienvenidos a nuestro servicio de abogados especialistas en juicio de amparo!
Si estás buscando un abogado amparista, has llegado al lugar indicado. Nuestros abogados cuentan con amplia experiencia en el ámbito del amparo, ofreciendo a nuestros clientes la representación legal que necesitan para proteger sus derechos.

En PACC Consultores contamos con un equipo de abogados especialistas en amparos, capacitados para brindar asesoría legal en todas las etapas del proceso. Ya sea que necesite un abogado de amparo para presentar una demanda de amparo, o un abogado para impugnar una resolución judicial, estamos aquí para ayudarlo.

Nuestros abogados de amparo están comprometidos en brindarte una representación legal de calidad, trabajando arduamente para garantizar que tus derechos sean respetados en todo momento. Además, contamos con un equipo de apoyo especializado en la investigación y análisis de casos, lo que nos permite desarrollar estrategias legales efectivas y personalizadas para cada caso.

No importa cuál sea su situación, nuestros abogados especialistas en juicios o recursos de amparo están listos para defender sus intereses. ¡Contáctanos hoy mismo para programar una consulta con uno de nuestros abogados amparistas y comienza a proteger tus derechos!
Para ser atendido personalmente por uno de nuestros abogados llame a nuestro número de emergencias o al numero de despacho y agende una consulta | Sera un gusto poder atenderle.


El Sistema de Justicia Penal exige abogados con el más alto nivel de profesionalización y compromiso. Somos la mejor elección, permítanos defender sus intereses.

Nuestra equipo

Somos un equipo de abogados con el más alto nivel de especialización en el Sistema de Justicia Penal. Ya sea como defensores o asesores victímales, nuestra tarea radica en diseñar e implementar estrategias que nos permitan alcanzar los intereses de quienes representamos.

La mejor estrategia es la que se practica anticipadamente, previniendo riesgos y errores, posición que nos permite garantizar la mejor solución, siempre.

Cuando a nuestro despacho llegan asuntos con procesos que se ven casi perdidos, siempre es posible revisar y proponer una reconsideración de esta. La peor defensa es la que no se hace.


Somos especialistas en atención a todo tipo de delitos del fuero local y federal. Nos encontramos disponibles las 24 horas del día:
  • Denuncias y querellas
  • Proceso penal
  • Reconocimiento de inocencia
  • Prescripción
  • Apelación Penal
  • Amparo Penal
  • Ejecución de Sentencias
  • Beneficios sustitutivos o preliberaciones
Para ser atendido personalmente por uno de nuestros abogados llame a nuestro número de emergencias o al numero de despacho y agende una consulta | Sera un gusto poder atenderle.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Consultoría Cannábica

Nuestro equipo de consultoría se convierte en tu asesor de confianza, asistiéndote en importantes decisiones comerciales, conectándote con las personas adecuadas y capacitándote para convertirte en un líder en la industria. Nuestro equipo de expertos puede ayudar a crear planes de negocios, modelos financieros y establecer negocios exitosos en medio de nuevas leyes y regulaciones fiscales.

Tramita tu Permiso de Uso Personal de Cannabis

La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación ha eliminado la prohibición absoluta de la cannabis en México, por lo que las personas ciudadanas mexicanas mayores de 18 años pueden acudir a COFEPRIS en cualquier parte de México y tramitar un permiso para uso personal de cannabis de forma LEGAL.

Para ser atendido personalmente por uno de nuestros abogados llame anumero del despacho y agende una consulta | Sera un gusto poder atenderle.

Defensa legal de consumidores

Defensa legal de consumidores de cannabis tanto en procedimientos penales por delitos contra la salud pública y delitos conexos, como en procedimientos administrativos por COFEPRIS, o multas y sanciones por posesion, cultivo o consumo de cannabis en la vía pública.

Libre Desarrollo de la personalidad

Luchamos por el bienestar de nuestros clientes, por la defensa del Libre Desarrollo de la personalidad, por el consumo, cultivo, posesión y creación de productos derivados de Cannabis para sus usos médicos y lúdicos.


  • Consumo lúdico y médico de cannabis.
  • Personas que se vean vulneradas en sus derechos humanos.
  • Sentencias o determinaciones.
  • Omisiones del Estado o autoridad.


Derecho Penal

  • Asistencia y defensa de juicio para cualquier implicado o perjudicado en el ámbito penal.
  • Preparación y atención de denuncias.
  • Procedimientos locales y federales.

A partir de ahora, cuentas con el mejor equipo de Abogados para proteger tus intereses y defender tus derechos. Desde una perspectiva contemporánea. Disponibilidad permanente y servicio personalizado.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.

Our Practice Area

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

01. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.

02. Bankrupcy

Computers have become ubiquitous in almost every facet of our lives. At work, desk jockeys spend hours in front of their desktops, while delivery people scan bar codes with handhelds and workers in the field stay in touch with the central office via their notebooks.
  • You might be used to pulling up a chair to your computer, but it makes much more sense to pull your computer up to your chair. 
  • The size and quality of computer notebook displays has improved so dramatically that there’s little difference between laptops and a computer desktop.
  • Historically, two drawbacks of notebooks were their limited RAM, limited space on the hard drive, and short battery life. Times have changed, though, and laptops now have as much power under the hood as their computer desktop cousins.
Somos reconocidos por clientes y líderes de la industria por nuestra dedicación para lograr resultados, razón por la cual regularmente nos nombran una de las firmas de abogados más importantes de nuestro país.

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“Que todo el que se queje con justicia, tenga un tribunal que lo escuche, ampare y lo defienda contra el arbitrario”
José María Morelos y Pavón
Calle Malaga No. 128
Fraccionamiento El Dorado 2da Seccion
Aguascalientes, AGS 20235
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